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Homework HelpWe are working hard as a group to not send home nightly homework. However, your child is still expected to work on skills with you at home such as math facts, spelling, and reading. Below is a list of things to continue practicing at home. Please let me know if you need any materials to help practice. Homework Help Reading (10-15 minutes a night suggested) *Read Aloud with a parent/sibling/friend *Read a magazine article, recipe, or one of your favorite chapter, nonfiction, or picture books *Read on the bus *Read after school *Read before bed *Here is a great link to help your child practice weekly vocabulary words. https://quizlet.com/join/NTMPezMg2?i=5mqsse&x=1bqt *Here is a great link for information on helping your child with reading. https://tinyurl.com/ Math *Practice basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards *Practice basic multiplication and division facts with flashcards Spelling *Spelling words will be sent home with the test dates listed on top! *Here is a free link to help your child practice spelling words! https://www.spellingcity.com/users/Mrs.Theis Just to remind you these are the types of things I would like the kids to work on. I will not be sending weekly sheets home unless they are behind in their seat work at school, or it is a special project. So remember, if you see papers coming home that is why. Remember do not hesitate to call or e-mail regarding any questions you may have throughout the year! |
Contact: Alyssa Theis |