$65 group Learn-to-Swim Lessons 1 hour/day for 1 week
Please write two separate checks!
City of Lamberton - $60
Wabasso Community Ed for bussing - $5
$125 One-on-One Private Lessons (5 lessons total – arranged through the Lamberton Pool.
The Lamberton Swimming Lessons will start on June 23rd and will go to June 27th. Lessons are for one week only and for one hour/day.
Wabasso ONLY pickup and will leave at 10:10 am in front of the AC entrance.
Lessons are from 10:30-11:30 am. Bus will return at approximately 11:45 a.m.
All participants should turn money to Community Ed Director, Joe Kemp.
Wabasso contact - Joe Kemp at 507-342-7121
City of Lamberton - PO Box 356, Lamberton, MN 56152